Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mississippi Drivers

According to a recent survey located here, Mississippi has the 3rd worst drivers in the country.  This pretty much gives attorneys who handle car wrecks like myself some job security.  In the event you are in an accident, (hopefully the other guys fault), if the vehicle is driveable, move it off the road.  Be sure to call the police and get the name, address, telephone number, of the other driver along with the name of their insurance company and policy number.  I always tell my clients to also go to the doctor whether you think you are hurt or not.  From personal experience with family, you may not feel hurt but you may have disc damage or something else that does not become apparent until later.  Take as many photos of the scene as you can.   This can be crucial evidence for both parties whether you are the party at fault or not. 

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